Your research and the publications that come out of it are undoubtedly important to you. They require an enormous investment of time, they define you as an academic, and they are what you are measured by in your institution and your field. Your career depends upon them in terms of your reputation amongst your peers, your ability to gain promotion and the contribution you make to your department and your institution. Academia is increasingly competitive in relation to publishing and research funding, and you will be up against the brightest and the best of your peers when you submit your monograph to the publisher or your application to the funder for consideration.
Proofreading and copyediting books, journal articles, book chapters and edited collections
Supporting the development of research funding applications up to the point of submission, including advising on appropriate funders for your research, collaborating with external partners and developing impact
I will work on your text at whatever stage is most useful to you and to whatever level of editing is required
If you are not sure what service you need, please contact me for an informal discussion.
I will add value to your work, help you to stand out in your field, and give you and your research a competitive edge. My clients trust me for my distinctive combination of academic training and professional experience. I know how important your research and publications are to you. Not only will I ensure your text is clear, correct and consistent, I will make sure it remains faithful to your original research. If you are applying for research funding, I will help to make your application more competitive and increase your chances of success.
Experience and Expertise
Experienced in working closely with academics across the career spectrum and a broad range of Arts and Humanities disciplines
Portfolio includes proofreading and copyediting monographs, journal articles, book chapters, book proposals
Highly experienced with research funding applications from the early development of the research idea through to submission
A proven track record across the range of schemes offered by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the British Academy, the Leverhulme Trust, the Heritage Lottery Fund and Arts Council England
Experienced in working with non-native speakers of English
Direct involvement in externally funded research projects
PhD in English Literature fully funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Board
Research published in The Oxford Art Journal and by Yale University Press
Co-editor of a volume published by Ashgate
If you want to work with an experienced and professional proofreader and copyeditor who specialises in the Arts and Humanities or if you need support with research, then please get in touch.