Welcome to the Words on the Page
/Welcome to the first blog post on the new website for Sally Baggott Editing!
For a long time now, I have worked with words, and I’ll be doing it for a long time to come. My relationship with words almost certainly goes back further than I can remember, and I am still consistently fascinated if sometimes frustrated by them. Words are what my work as a proofreader and copyeditor is all about because words are fundamental to what all my clients do.
Writing these words is sheer pleasure. Launching the business gives me a great deal of satisfaction and pride. It’s been a long time in development, and I am really excited to be officially open for business.
Sally Baggott Editing has taken three years of planning, two years of training, not to mention over ten years of experience to get to this point. Alongside that, there was the challenge of selling up in Birmingham and moving to the coast in North Devon. By turns, it’s been scary and exciting, and it’s been a blast because of the people I have worked with so far.
Everyone always thanks their family, but I really do need to. They convinced me of the potential, they put my initial thoughts into words for me, and they helped me bring Sally Baggott Editing into reality.
I have to say thanks to Kipp Jones and Tommy Morrison at WildIlk for the brand design and the website. Their work has entirely exceeded my expectations; it’s exactly what I wanted, only much more so. I love how they kept true to the idea of the Words on the Page, and they even used Baskerville in their design. I’m interested in John Baskerville, the eighteenth-century printer and type designer from my home town of Birmingham, and he is sure to come up again. There will be more about WildIlk in the near future along with some narrative on their work here.
I’m so grateful to clients who have already used my services and entrusted me with their work. Thanks to all of you and please come back again. To all the colleagues from the University of Birmingham and beyond who have encouraged and supported me on the long road to Sally Baggott Editing, I would say, working with all of you always was fabulous and long may it continue. Finally, to all the clients of the future, look at what your peers and colleagues say about Sally Baggott Editing, and then let me help you with the words on your page.